Teaching Again


Experimentation with materials cassein

I start teaching again next week. A class called Marking Places and Making Pages. It is actually a time of experimentation with materials. It is a way of showing students everything I know how to do that may be useful to their art practice. Then at the end of the week it is all assembled into a big book of ideas, notes and samples. Bound in such a way that hopefully they find it irresistible and pick it up over and over again looking for just the right way to say what they have to say.

eco coloring shifu

Home Again


NZ baskets 2

I am home from Australia and well into planning another trip next February. My New Zealand flax basket is now hung with the others and in time like them will turn a pale straw color. When I am with the basket makers of Australia I sit and quietly weave these pieces. It only takes two long flax leaves and a needle to strip them into course hair-like strands. Then cross several at right angles over several more near their centers. And with one folded strand begin the twining action that will hold them all in place. Flair and separate the bundles until there is only one to twine around each time. Add more if you want the basket bigger, Keep the open spacing as even as possible and enjoy the rhythm of the weave.