More Audiobooks, More Construction

The last few days have been quite productive on the old screen porch…soon to be sunroom. The days of rain forecasted have put a hold on it for a bit. but we will get there.

I am trying to eat properly, especially getting enough protein. I actually splurged and put two eggs in my spinach omelet the other day. Felt quite decadent to use two eggs in one meal. But I do have a whole dozen left…not the newest nor the freshest, but edible.

I managed to get through a 24 hour Elizabeth George audiobook the other day. She uses so much language! I tried to listen to an American best seller, but found it so boring. Sort of like a hopped-up teenager reading her diary. Now I am well into Louise Penny’s latest Gamache book. I wonder if she will ever get tired of him and just let him stay retired.

The nurse still visits. but I think she stops next week. We enjoy each other’s company. She admires my stamina and clarity of speech…I enjoy her listening to words I have a hard time keeping inside. I will miss her.

The physical therapist comes in about an hour to bat the balloon back and forth with me. The physical hopping back and forth without falling over is more fun than I would have imagined.

I skipped the wine tasting invitation last night. Too much flu going on now and as the physical therapist pointed out, “You have plenty of wine here.”

The last few days have been spent digging out the names and addresses of all republicans in the Senate.  My postcards came yesterday and I needed to make copies of the text I will paste in next to addresses. Soon I will be sending bundles to those who sent me their mailing addresses so they can also send a note to ones lovingly supporting the new leaders of America.

Stitching seems to be the cure. So now I am stitching on top of stitching.

Now it is off to find some lunch and start a big pot of chicken soup.

More later….


Today my surgeon in Asheville gave me an A+ on my surgery and all lymph nodes testing negative for cancer. He said I am not only “cured” but can have my single malt scotch. He said it will do me good. I think he is as happy as I am. What a terrific surgeon! He also said as long as I am not on heavy pain killers (I haven’t been for over 10 days) then I can drive! So tomorrow morning I am going up to listen to the old boys mumble and have some coffee with them.

The two sister angels who take me to Asheville treat me to a celebratory lunch at a favorite place in West Asheville. A terrific brunch of carrot pancakes with a cardamom butter and sweet soaked bacon! I could only eat half and it was delicious! I bought two pimento scones to bring home. There is so much more imagination and flavors of the food conjured up and served in Asheville than here in town.

And I have been trying to get some more stitching done on my small slow stitch panel. It has kept me calm and focused this past few days.

So that is the news from here. Today after I returned home the nurse came by to take my “vitals” and am looking very good there, Also the physical therapist came by to work on my stamina and balance. Again, all good. Both return on Thursday.

Yesterday a neighbor did my grocery shopping for me. The renovation man came to give me a price on turning the porch into a sun room and fix all small issues I might think important in the house. It is going to be lovely to have the wind blocked from that room….as well as the sun that glares through. I will post pictures of his progress when he starts early next week.

I am debating having at least 500 new postcards printed to send to the incredibly frightened and stupid republican party who claim to have a care about what they have done to our country. Like most of you around the world, our skin crawls with knowing their intentions of doing away with our democracy.

I will post more images later….

Now need to finish my scotch and have some soup before heading to bed.

A long day!

til later….


Taking Care

Neighbors have brought flowers and special treats.

I have to keep them up high where Sadie can’t get to them. She eats the green bits and makes herself sick. These are such a wishful thought of Spring’ One neighbor called from the grocery store determined to get some treat for me. I said I had not had ice cream in a long time and we settled on vanilla. I think the next bowl of it that I have will be covered with some golden syrup and chopped nuts. Vanilla is a rather bland flavor.

I have been listening to the Detective Lynley audio books written  by Elizabeth George. The English writers of her time use such interesting words. None of us talk like her characters. Someone was actually “obdurate” the other day. And even though I made a good guess as to what that meant, I looked it up anyway. I think we have dumbed down so much in this country that we are speaking in sound bites.

Anyway, listening to her characters talk made me want to get back to poetry. I now have a new one for the next meeting.

While sitting quietly and being read to, I stitch on this. It takes a bit of time to thread the needle, but then I can go until I run out or want to change colors.

This particular one has contact printed kozo paper as its base, small etching prints, scraps of silks from Beautiful Silks in Australia, some shiny copper cloth, more contact prints on cloth and scraps of old clothes. When I finish, the entire surface will be covered with stitch.

A nurse and physical therapists come over to keep an eye on me. Poke, prod, put me through my paces and promise to be back.

Tomorrow a contractor comes to price out turning my screen porch into a sunroom. Much more usable than the wind tunnel with glaring sun that it is now.

I am off to see the surgeon next week and the two sister angels will be taking me there.

Now for a dish of ice cream and a nap. I seem to get quite tired in the afternoon. Probably because I vacuumed, cleaned the litter box, and finished putting the laundry away.

It is going to take more time to get back to 8,000 steps a day…but almost closing in on 2,000.

Til later….


Busy 10 Days

Woke up to snow early last week.

Inside very cozy.

Then scheduled lung surgery in Asheville. One lung removed.

My very own Big Bird outfit for few days recovery.

Then being sprung by Patrick and home five days  after surgery.  All doctors, nurses, etc. happy it went so well. Been using a walker around the house until this morning when I sent Patrick back home. Doing all my assigned breathing and PT exercises while listening to an audio book.

It is still very cold out there. So will stay indoors with a small stitching project I prepared before going into the hospital.

It is a good thing I have this to work on because I have become frightfully enamored with all the crafts on FB using TP rolls and egg cartons. Although egg cartons might become in short supply with the new government choices in the not-so-United States.

More later, because those pesky exercises are calling out. And I must say how very wonderful my neighbors have been!

Til later…..