Busy Week

Some lovely mornings here.

And early fall walks to tai chi. I seriously wonder if I am getting any better at this. Lately I lack the concentration. But I dare not miss a session in case I turn up hopeless the following week. I do think I am getting better with the chair yoga classes. Seems most of us are trying not to fall off the chair and keeping our right and left from becoming confused. The only problem with chair yoga is that it is at the same time as mahjong just beyond a screen wall. Their giggling competing is hard to tune out.  Women competing never get quieter while we try to simply get from one namaste to another and carry on.

Then a day of cookies….

Peanut butter and Anzac.  Just this morning I took some of the latter to the Australian running the bike shop. And because he has two small children, I gave him some Australian children’s books. Two of them illustrated by Graeme Base, a favorite Aussie children’s book illustrator. I never thought I would part with them. But the fellow who is making all new shelves and cabinets for the den came today to tell me everything will be ready to install next week. Naturally I got to emptying the old shelves that will go north with Patrick. I have way too many books still. It will be a job but all the shelves will be emptied and ready to wait in the garage till Patrick comes for Thanksgiving.

I voted this week. Number two in line for first day of early voting. I continue to wait for the trump-sign neighbors to get disillusioned and take their signs down. So far that is not happening.  WTF is all I can say!

And then burying myself in drawing and painting in my six-way book. Seems I am addicted while I listen to one audiobook mystery after another.

I heard from someone I knew twenty years ago. Her parents were both well-known wood turners in the town I lived in and came to an opening of a solo art exhibition I had at a local gallery. Her mother bought an egg tempera of a tractor and she bought a large collaged drawing of a hawk looking over her nest of young chicks. All the text written in part on this series of bird images came from my journal entries….small fragments of text.  Her mother died some time ago and the daughter who contacted  me wanted me to know she has the tractor and that the hawk still hangs over her bed. She has lived in different parts of the world and managed to take this work with her. I love that she did that and wanted me to know.

This evening I have been invited to an impromptu baked potato get together. It is my first. I am to do nothing but show up, drink wine (red, white or champagne) and eat a dressed up baked potato. Sounds fine by me.

The final proof of the Fairy Book came the other day and it is as good as it is going to get. Just the pictures in a book measuring six” x eight”. All I need to do is give the okay for it to be published. So in a couple of weeks it will be on Amazon with the others.

Tomorrow an Apple watch comes to replace my now glued together Fitbit. Also a new comforter for the bed. All my feathers that stayed put, decided a week or two ago to simply go to the edges. The part that is supposed to keep me warm is just two pieces of sheeting. It was quite old and simply gave up.

I will let you know about the potato party.

Til later…..