Finishing Some Things Up

My check out nurse just left. I am now cleared to handle my own recovery without constant checking from the Home Health Care services. It feels good to know I can be trusted to do that! All numbers emanating from their equipment are in the perfect range.

It is such a beautiful day, I might treat myself to a longer walk about the neighborhood.

The remodeling fellows have needed to take the past two days to fix damages on a house with broken pipes. So this is where they left off. White trim inside and outside to finish off. Next tile and put everything back where it goes.

It is going to be a cozy place for coffee and a nice back and forth in the rocking chair. I probably will not hang the fish back up in that room…could knock out a visitor with their rocks attached. So likely will hang a school of them from the pergola.

I did more stitching on the small panel and am willing to call it over. Just need to tack it down to the gauzy back panel and then figure out what to do with it.

And the past two weeks have been absorbed with printing postcards to send in bundles around the country. I am very grateful for the requests from Minnesota, Utah, California, Washington State, Michigan, Tennessee, Georgia, Missouri,  Illinois, Arizona and finally from my own state of North Carolina via a small book club type group who heard about my efforts and asked to have some mailed out to them. It was reaffirming to see that order come from a very small town in the center of the state with probably a majority of MAGA residents. And still no one locally has asked for any.

I designed a new one with Musk controlling trump and the republicans. There was a small swastika arm band that the printer drew the line at and asked me to redesign the image. I replaced it with a non descript band but added a Hitler mustache. My image has been approved now and I wait for the order of 500 to show up at the door.

This week I received another amazing linoleum print from Patsy in Australia. This time rabbits! When I can get back into the cupboards in the garage that now have porch furniture piled in front of, I will frame it and find the perfect place to hang it. For now it is on the mantel.

I did have a visitor come this past Thursday. Judy Zugish from the Seattle area comes once a year in February to teach basketry at the folk school. She makes a point to get to my house to share a scotch and a meal. We have known each other since the 80s and can easily pick up where we left off. Judy will be part of the National Basket Conference this September in Tasmania and would be open to teaching in other venues while in the country. I am thinking of Toni Rogers place in Queensland as a possibility since few from that far north will be heading to Tasmania. If you are reading this Tony, I can send you her contact information.

I was getting 8,000 steps in each day before my lung operation. Now after just five weeks of recovery, I am able to do almost 4,000. Going to the gym seems a bit silly as all I can do is the bike or treadmill to get steps. No weight lifting allowed just yet. So I might as well stay home and get my steps in here and not have to explain my absence to those who were used to seeing me there at six-thirty a.m. three days a week.

Not much else new going on here. But I did have an idea to do a political art installation. Since I see so little of it nowadays, remember the George W era where most artists needed to make a statement? Well, since there is so little interest in doing that type of work now, I decided to make my own private installation in my garage, have my own opening reception…attended by myself alone. Then I will stand around, drink some wine and document the exhibition. I rather like the idea of it being totally private. Someone told me that if I wanted to see political work to just go on youtube. It is not the same thing as being confronted in person. So I will let you know how it all works out. A completely solo show in the planning stages now.

Til later….