I baked some more phyllo, ham, cheese and green onion packets to have in the freezer when tired of cooking something for one or eating out. They are quite delicious!
The sunroom is finished and is quite cozy on sunny days. A friend came over and hung the fish back up. I did not see it as a good idea to put them outside after a night of heavy winds. So I gave them a wash and waited for help. All the black shades I bought for the porch are going to a neighbor for her sun room and she will be taking me to our favorite restaurant as payment.
This week was a bit painful because I might have strained a rib in a coughing spell. My doctor is keeping a close eye on me…even took me over to her office to have blood taken. Seems I am all good there and in oxygen levels, and heart beats, etc. Just a hard time moving the right arm in certain positions. I think I am getting better each day, but after eighty, nothing is as quick as I would like.
Spring should be right around the corner and I am looking forward to some yard tidy up. Probably will remove the split bamboo poles at the front of the house. The one acting as a spout into the pond in the back is dried out and now badly split. So it could be replaced with a piece of those at the front entry.
Yesterday my first local came by to pick up sets of political postcards. I gave permission for an escort into a woman’s clinic in Michigan to use the design of the trump/wrong one to be made into stickers and buttons. Another thousand of that image on postcards came Friday. I will need to sort them into sets of fifty to mail out to those asking for them.
There is not any more news from here right now. As soon as my doctor checks on me today, I might just have a lie down with my audiobook. It is a dreary day and I need to write an email to friends in Australia who will be gathering soon for the textile conference. I miss being there with them but I am better off being here close to those keeping an eye on me.
The cleaning lady had to cancel this week. Told her I would see her next month. It is an easy place to keep clean. I also need to write some poetry this week if I plan on going to the reading on Thursday.
So I had better get busy…..
Til later….