Casting About

I am walking to and from my tai chi classes again. It feels good.

And my drive to the gym earlier in the morning put the full moon on display over the library. I miss seeing the moon in the skies from my old place where there were no buildings and power lines.

I had a small dinner here for the group at the table at wine tasting this past week. Four under thirty and four over (well over) seventy. A good mix. One manages the old courthouse functions here in town and they have an auction once a year. I showed her work I had no use for and asked if they would like to have it for their auction. She said yes and hopefully she will come back in a couple of months to pick it up.

I have no use for some of the pieces I still own and have no other way of getting rid of it. No, it is not enough to hire another back hoe to bury it. And I am reminded of the last time I said I had some work available to sell. A neighbor from my old place emailed me that she did not want to pay the asking price and offered half. I still do not have much to do with her as she comments on my public posts. I will give work away before I encourage those who do not value other’s time and efforts. If you like something, buy it. If you can’t afford the full asking price, make arrangements for payments…but never offer half the price as if you are buying day old bread.

When I was looking for work to pass on I found this piece from years ago….a combination of my printmaking, cloth and stitch. I like it and think the only other one like it is in somebody’s home in Australia. I loved finding text from old paper back books to clip out and add to the image. Then writing a short statement in my own hand and selecting paint, fabrics and thread to complete the collage. What will happen when artists no longer know how to do a cursive writing into the image?

This piece is only 9″ x 12″ in its mat. Surely I can find a place to hang it and remember what was going on in my head when I put it together.

So now at eighty and looking for something to busy my hands, I found a cigar box filled with these folios I made by folding 8″ x 4″ text block paper in half and stitching around the edges after brushing gesso in the center section on each side. If I make a signature with two folios each, then I could make a book. A book of nightfall til dawn. Each small painting will have an opposite page for text.  If nothing else, it gives me something to play with and easily fits in the trash when I conclude it simply didn’t work. Here are the pictures done in watercolor over gesso, sanded, and paint moved around once more.

that is about it for now.

til later…..