The last few days have been quite productive on the old screen porch…soon to be sunroom. The days of rain forecasted have put a hold on it for a bit. but we will get there.
I am trying to eat properly, especially getting enough protein. I actually splurged and put two eggs in my spinach omelet the other day. Felt quite decadent to use two eggs in one meal. But I do have a whole dozen left…not the newest nor the freshest, but edible.
I managed to get through a 24 hour Elizabeth George audiobook the other day. She uses so much language! I tried to listen to an American best seller, but found it so boring. Sort of like a hopped-up teenager reading her diary. Now I am well into Louise Penny’s latest Gamache book. I wonder if she will ever get tired of him and just let him stay retired.
The nurse still visits. but I think she stops next week. We enjoy each other’s company. She admires my stamina and clarity of speech…I enjoy her listening to words I have a hard time keeping inside. I will miss her.
The physical therapist comes in about an hour to bat the balloon back and forth with me. The physical hopping back and forth without falling over is more fun than I would have imagined.
I skipped the wine tasting invitation last night. Too much flu going on now and as the physical therapist pointed out, “You have plenty of wine here.”
The last few days have been spent digging out the names and addresses of all republicans in the Senate. My postcards came yesterday and I needed to make copies of the text I will paste in next to addresses. Soon I will be sending bundles to those who sent me their mailing addresses so they can also send a note to ones lovingly supporting the new leaders of America.
Stitching seems to be the cure. So now I am stitching on top of stitching.
Now it is off to find some lunch and start a big pot of chicken soup.
More later….