This is a new piece measuring 18″ long by 8″ high and 6″ deep. It is titled Voyage on the River Lethe.
As I age forgetfulness is something to prepare for and find fascinating … all about that memory thing. What was real, what was imagined, what was just put there to fill in the blanks. Anyway, much as I do not care for water, boats I find wonderful…especially those in dry dock. The River Lethe (both “es” pronounced as long “es”) is one of four rivers flowing to the River Styx and then on to Hades in Greek mythology. Those on the ferry traveling this river could drink the water and forget what they knew and therefore make the transition easier into their next stage of existence.
I think they boarded this boat and dropped their luggage in the first hold and then made their way down further into the underwater hold. Lethe also stands for concealment which is a subject I really like working with in my structures.
And here they are all settled and ready to go somewhere. They just can’t remember where. Nor can they hold on to what they thought they would always remember.
They have drunk the water. Much like the lovely person in this researched image of the Lethe River.
This is such rich territory for me to work with that as soon as I have more time, I will continue with the River Lethe and all it implies.
I made some forms to take to Arrowmont this week that I will learn how to apply different textures on their surfaces. Definitely the techniques that can evoke water and loss will be played with over and over on all the structures I am taking.
This particular piece was just entered into an exhibit for jurying. I will let you know how that works out and of course any new works on this theme.