Book Basket Box: Placement for Memory Part 2

I am back to show the rest of the travel boxes. Beginning with Japan. It was the first of the travel boxes made shortly after a trip there in 1998 with a focus on bamboo basket makers and and their places of learning and working.

After mapping out what is to go into the box, I select an appropriate fabric to turn into book cloth for the covering and papers to line the interior and sides. Since we participated in a demonstration of indigo dying I thought this fabric had the right look. It pays to just get a yard or so of fabrics that call out to follow you home.

I used a piece of bamboo for the traditional closing.

A piece of Japanese fabric lines the inside lid. Walls are placed in to mark the places where things are to be placed.  I wrote about my trip on a piece of paper from Japan. Then cut it so it was one continuous length to spin into a thread to be woven into the small basket holding a special stone. It rests on a stone from our sauna at the hostel. To the right is a lid to small mementos inside that compartment. The two larger spaces hold my sketchbook works and papers from the journey in a pop out format.

Among the mementos are stones, a fish shaped soy sauce bottle and all the tie off resist threads from the indigo class. Closures use small bits of bamboo.

Those same threads are used to tie sketches into a book made in a traditional Japanese book binding technique. I really love how this project of Japanese memories came together. I went on to teaching many workshops and making more of these containers that sold at exhibitions or ended up in the archives of craft institutions and museums.

Now it is on to New Zealand.

This is covered with an Egyptian cotton from a remnants shop. I made myself some pajamas and had enough left for a box needing a New Zealand feel to it. We could see it as thousands of lined up sheep in very green fields. It is a single layer box which says it all.

Aren’t those sleeve-lidded baskets wonderful. The bark package contains a stone given to me by a student in my class there.

The tiny lid raises to reveal another shell. So many wonderful things to touch…so many memories.

And now Australia!

I’m fairly sure it was made shortly after my second trip in 1999. Again a fabric that said “Australia” to me was chosen and the overall size had to house my sketches done on large paper.

The Eucalyptus blooms were made by a lady I met at a conference. The small bloom and leaf came from a basket making friend. There is a book in the upper left and each of the other spaces have pull up lids to reveal the things below.

The book is the pages that students do and assemble in hiding and then present at the end of the class.  The eggshell page was from a student dealing with the fragility of being influenced by her home country and adopted Australia. On the left are basket materials and a small twined basket made by a young Korean working in Australia. A student from the previous year showed her how to make a “secrets” basket and she made this one to pass on to me.

Teaching Secrets baskets was a fun way to get students to learn the technique of twining to hold their secrets written on a piece of paper tightly enclosed within. I loved the idea that many years later, they will wear open and secrets will find their way out into the world. My first sample to teach this class had a piece of paper that I used fragmented words to indicate a lost love affair. I told my students that many years from now there might be just enough information in those words to inspire someone to write a story.

Our secrets can have a future. One of my favorites was a student who was ninety years old and marrying for the first time the following week. All we could do was smile at each other as she closed over the opening. I thanked her for the opportunity to let my imagination run loose with ideas of what her secret might have been.

Sorry, got side tracked…these boxes do that.

The other cubby hole holds shells and small gifts from students at a basket conference. Then the larger lid on the right opens….

First thing visible is a portfolio that unfolds to reveal separated packets of sketches done on my trip.

I had these cards that had a cutout of a kangaroo. So I put more of the Aboriginal-designed gift paper that I bought at the Opera house behind. I was sketching everything Australian that I could find.

Even the construction of the quintessential Australian chair where the man, bushed from being in the bush, can prop his feet with his behind dropped into a canvas sling. The arms of the chair accommodate his beverage of choice. I actually thought it would be fun to have Lee make one of these, but soon realized that they are not that easy to get out of. Good thing I didn’t do that because I would not have been able to part with it and it would be taking up a whole lot of space here in my new house.

Under that portfolio of sketches a tab is pulled up to release the section of larger drawings.

They slide out from under the floor of the collections to the left.

After this all my sketchbooks from Australia were made in advance of the trip, filled while traveling, and are piled up in a basket where I can easily get to them and relive each trip. I have a couple of other boxes devoted to Australia, one large one with all the student end of class gifts over many years and another where I tried to capture my experiences there in a special place. I am sure I talked about them when they were completed so we will leave it there.

I did start cutting out patterns using my hide covered stones that are so lovely to handle.

But then a week of a chest cold put me in a tired stay-at-home-do nothing happened. I did slip out to see a full moon.

In the last two days I finished sewing two pairs of pants…two shirts to go and I can put the sewing machine away again. I need to do some baking too. It is time for savoury scones and banana pancakes to put in the freezer.

I might get a walk to the river in today…maybe not. I will check to see how warm it is and how wet with all the rain recently. I might just join the cats in a comfy chair by the fire.

Til later

Book Basket Box: Placement for Memory

I used to teach a workshop with that title. It was my most favorite class because everyone would bring the bits and pieces of things that needed to be kept safe. Things that needed a place to be kept hidden. Things that needed to be discovered again and again.

So today while I am on what I hope is the last of this miserable cold, I am going to start to show you some of my boxes. They are each a different country I traveled to and how I collected the bits that bring back memories and the sketches along the way.

I will start with France:

Each box must be built to accommodate the largest piece with room to extract it for closer examination.  I map everything out on plain paper first before cutting the box/book board.  I put this card in the center of the top of a pale pink cover.


The lift out tray holds an English to French translation book, lavender soaps from a lavender farm, sketchbook from the famous Sennelier art store in Paris and bags from purchases.

Under the tray are more maps and bags and a book for more memorabilia.

A bon voyage note from a frequent traveler to the Avignon area and a map.

And one of my most favorite places, the ochre mines of Bruoux. It was an exquisite experience to pass through those arches into pure earth pigment. I came home with so many collected colors from all these travels that I will show another time.

And Italy came right after France.

A gift wrap from Florence decorates the box.

Inside the box lid is a pouch to hold small prints I bought from street vendors and cards that capture the opulence.

And small books of tickets and other mementos. Wine corks and quick translation guide.

I will put two more boxes in today’s post.

Now Bali:

I thought this fabric looked like Bali so turned it into a book cloth to cover the box.

I collected the offerings outside my room in Ubud each morning….of course they dehydrated and became smaller.

I also saved and then purchased the brown paper sheets that food was served on to make a book when I returned home. Pages decorated with scraps collected along the way.

And now China:

A silk scrap I picked up in China became the cover material.

The box opened reveals a heavy stone in the back that a tracker who was poling our small boat upstream on a tributary of the Yangtze. He watched me reaching for a stone while we skimmed along. My sketchbook from the trip is in the tray above. Some of the sketches.

The space below the tray holds books of receipts and packaging and more mementos.

And under a false floor there is the soils of Xian, home to the famous warriors.

Not everything I bring home is in the boxes…only what fits and can bring back the memories of the time there. Likewise the French sketchbook is a heavy leather that I chose not to house in the box but add to sketchbooks on the shelves. We each choose what goes into the boxes and how to decorate its covers and walls.

My students have done such amazing containers…one about a mother who projected one persona to the public and below under a false floor was what the family endured. Others dealt with a loss of someone dear. And others favorite Nature walks with trails and bridges and small critters. I hope they all have kept their boxes to open and remember or to just know the unpleasant has a place to stay hidden.

Next blog we will go to Japan, New Zealand, and my favorite place…Australia!

Til later….

Ending of 2022

Coming back from coffee with the men on the corner I noticed the frozen fog over my new home.

Later I walked over to the river.

The corn has been all cut down. And the river has just a few places of ice from the super cold of Christmas.

Two days ago I decided to mend the mud cloth pillows around the house. These got me thinking of how they came to be in my home for so many years.

Verda Elliot was an old weaving friend who I was in a guild with in Michigan. She was a key person in the complexities of computer designing on looms. We moved to western North Carolina and shortly after so did she and her husband. Before she left here for San Diego, California, she gave me her mud cloth panels. I used them to cover pillows. Verda was quite the mentor in the guild and was very sure to not let sloppily-woven garments, etc get past the scrutiny for being sold under the guild’s name. I certainly appreciated her eye for excellence and like to think standards are still being adhered to in the craft world.

Today, even though I am fighting a cold of sniffles, coughing and overall fatigue, I decided to open my old shoe trunk containing all my cloth and get out fabrics and patterns.

Cutting out one pair of pants before stopping to fix a smoothie for lunch…then I knocked the blender and that banana pineapple almond drink ended up all over the counter and floor.  Took a while to clean up and now I have stopped for the day.

Maybe tomorrow I will get back to cutting out clothes…..maybe.

I went to a movie with the men and MaryJo the other evening but canceled going to a neighbors tomorrow for gumbo.

Bed early tonight.

Til later….next year in fact!

After Christmas

Last Wednesday evening family arrived for the holiday. I made a thick Midwest Corn Chowder for them. The recipe came from one of the men at the corner and I took his suggestion of adding other ingredients to the mix. Even though only sharp cheddar was called for, I don’t think you can make anything like this without the addition of Velveeta. Two meals of this and it was pretty much gone.

We took a walk at the dam.

And on the way back the wind started to pick up.

Christmas Eve day and the howling winds brought very cold weather.

Patrick took this picture of the pond in the garden.

We started a puzzle that took three days to finish with all four of us working on it.

1,000 pieces of overlapping cats almost did us in!

Marla made her old family recipe of a blackberry jam cake. It needed a place of honor to be served with Christmas dinner….so the gift from one of the guys on the corner did come in handy.

Christmas Eve we started on the smaller Christmas Cake that requires an Irish cheddar and a glass of Madeira.

The larger round Christmas Cake I made will be wrapped tightly and put in the freezer for next year. I took no pictures of meals because they all ran together and were connected by continuous grazing on an overwhelming amount of food. So one last picture of the tree for this years Christmas Eve.

We had one other person join us for dinner…She brought even more food! My rule for receiving Christmas presents is it must be consumable. So lots of teas, spices, food wraps, unusual candies and cookies, utensils for cooking to replace some that are getting on in years…….with a smattering of computer/Iphone cords and connections.  And of course the annual large amount of Stone’s Ginger Wine that I can not find here. If all of these don’t last a couple of years at least, then I may have to cut down. Now all put away.

The day after Christmas all ornaments, tree and decorations are packed away. Marla helped me make a few adjustments in placing my collections on shelves in the den and living room. We seem to always be tweeking or fluffing the nest when she is here.

It worked out well renting a house for them for six days. They all bunked in here last night with their air beds to get an early start back home to Michigan this morning. I shoved as much leftover food as I could in a truck that was already packed to capacity.

I just received a message that they have passed into Ohio, so Patrick should be dropping Amy off first in about three and a half hours, then Marla and home to his place for a good night’s sleep.

Sadie and Dilly are looking at the front door waiting for them to come back in.

I did laundry, dishes, cleaned floors and packed food away.

Next visit is scheduled for March.

Til later….