I kept up my practice each day while company was here for Christmas. Here they are with the haiku.
Patrick likes this cup
for a very large serving
of Turkish coffee.
Very tiny bowl
shaped by the inside patterns
of a southern gourd.
Does anyone use
these Christmas mugs if it’s not
the Christmas season?
I think that this mug
is crying out for some hot
cocoa and bourbon.
These plastic boxes
just sit in the cupboard and
wait for leftovers.
I’ll only have one.
One piece of cheese and only
one crispy cracker.
I ate some of these
red grapes much more quickly than
I was drawing them.
These small mandarins
are so easy to peel and
so easy to eat.
You brush it on first
then scrape all the tiny bits
with a spatula.
A tool that opens
several bottles of beer.
Some good and some bad.
The chestnuts roasting
by an open fire won’t help
the bad flavor.
There’s candy and nuts
still in the bowl just waiting
to be eaten up.
Friends and family
told me to keep my phone close
wherever I go.
It is a good thing
for me that I’m right-handed
and can use this glove.
Okay. That’s it.
Til later in 2020.
Happy, Happy New Year.