Overdue Post and a Passing

Heading to the gym the other morning and caught this sliver of moon and the star that I think is Venus.

Then this from yesterday morning when my mind was on Lee’s time getting near. The image captures the feeling but it was not until just a few minutes ago that his nurse, a wonderful nurse that Lee and I knew from our old gym, called to say Lee is gone. I think he was waiting until I poured the wine. Tonight on the family call we will each be having our favorite drink to toast him on his way.

So, after a call from Josh (nurse) early this morning telling me it would be today I thought I needed something to keep me busy. Since I had the dry point image mostly ready, I decided to print our Christmas cards. It is a nest with eggs and a couple of Christmas balls that the bird took back to its nest. I will watercolor the ornaments to give that touch of color. I used one of the small plates I bought at Melbourne etching to do my dry point. My kitchen became a press studio.

There is something magic about making a drawing, translating it onto a printing plate, inking it up, putting it through the press, and saying “Ah Hah! that will do nicely.” I will do more printing this year.

Sadie and Dilly are keeping warm on the lovely felted lap robe that I bought from a student in Australia and now lives on the bed.

Yesterday the baker on the corner where I have coffee with the guys invited me to have a nice hotdog for lunch. It has been years since I had such a good hotdog. Lee would have loved this one with fried onions.

And just across the street from the coffee place I photographed the fallen leaves. A reminder that everything has a season.

This little face is the best thing to look at.

Lee loved all cats and one of my many photos of him before dementia took over completely is this one holding Sadie.

I am off for a walk before the family call….

More later….