Quilt Show and Color and Another Book, The Stoat Story

Another beautiful morning on Monday. Then lunch with a friend and getting to a quilt show here in town. It is a traveling exhibition of quilters working during the shut down of Covid times. The work was much more serious in the inspiration of the makers. There were fewer quilts than the last time (2018) that this exhibition came to town. Not so many done with the idea of being pretty to look at. By putting in the code number on my Iphone I could hear in their own words about their inspiration and process. So here are some of the ones exhibited.  Inspirations being migration, peace, immigration, gun violence. It was good to see this much passion translated into cloth.

Melancholia by Linda Colsh

Fire Season detail by Dorothy Raymond

Blessed Are the Peacemakers detail by Susan Price

November 9th 1946 detail by Gabriele Ditota

Testimony of Yazmin Juarez by Ivy Sandz

Fifty-Eight by Lisa Jenni

These are only a few that caught my eye.  None were very big. I miss the large quilts that made you feel comforted by their size and yet confronted with their messages.

As  I was getting into my car in the rain, the color through the trees seemed very fall like.

And in my own yard, the dogwood was lovely in the morning sun.

Then I worked to a state of cross-eyed-ness on getting The Stoat Story in a size and format that fit the images and text. My proof for this one will be here on Sunday…which probably translates to next week.

This should do it for a while. I will let you know when they are officially published on Amazon.

Friday a few artists come over for lunch here and talk about what we are doing…hopefully what is mattering to each of us enough to put in a visual form.  It will be good to talk to people who hold brushes, mix paints, and maybe, just maybe, thread a needle.

Today I hacked up old shirts and pieced them with other shirts so they would be more interesting. Interesting and disguise spills of whatever did not make it to my mouth.

Dorinda, the new baker on the corner where we meet for coffee now has some of my recipes. She had to order golden syrup and barley malt to make The Second Best Malted Cookies I Ever Ate (she wanted the recipe for the best but I said I was sworn to secrecy and even my kids do not have that recipe), Anzac Cookies, savoury scones and cinnamon scones, which she is selling quite well. Today I brought home one of her latest quiches for lunch…delicious!

Time to take a walk. Yesterday I went to the river near here and it was wonderful. Brought home some sticks and moss.

Better get going.

Til later…