It has been a good few days here. The cold weather has brought down almost all the leaves. Now Lee will have something to use his leaf blower on. He is now into his winter sweaters instead of just the same two sweatshirts. He has found his shoes with ties and insist on wearing them…even though they come undone often. And he was downright congenial and full of conversation…although disconnected….the other night when friends came for dinner.
I have been keeping up with the drawing a day with haiku. See the following for proof.
Holiday candles
quietly wait in drawers
for entire years.
I bought this strange pot
because of its crackled glaze
of pale celedon.
Can you imagine
a more fun place to poke your
sharp pins and needles?
Lee made the wood bowl.
I gathered honeysuckle.
Thirty yeas ago.
Found in the bottom
of a drawer waiting in
service to hors d’oeuvres.
Pieces of fabric
are patched into place around
a print on paper.
We remain wingless
until brought to the table
to hold napkins.
It is hard not to
purchase something perfectly
charming and useless.
These were fun to do and I think my drawing is getting better. Curved lines off to the right still give me problems and make me grateful for the eraser. I suppose it is the reverse for left handed drawers.
Some of the pieces I drew this week reminded me of the dinner parties we no longer have. I really could get rid of a lot of things that are saved for the occasions of having people over. It is sad how we get attached to objects because of their history and not because we are going to give them much of a future.
I did have a visitor this week. She took my earth pigments class eight years ago. Went home to make several oil paints and now is part of an exhibit at the Asheville Art Museum. Amanda Brazier. She and her husband came down to the studio and loved looking at work and hearing stories. She has agreed to take all of my earth pigments processing materials when I give it up for good. In the meantime I will still teach private students here. But I love knowing that it will all go to someone so young and enthusiastic.
I need to find more Amandas for other bits and pieces…..fabrics, papers, studio equipment, etc…..but not right now.
Not much else new. Tomorrow Lee will help me make a freezer full of chili and some quiches. Cooking days are fun and make me feel like I am making progress.
Til later.