Drawing A Day Catch Up for December

I kept up my practice each day while company was here for Christmas. Here they are with the haiku.

Patrick likes this cup

for a very large serving

of Turkish coffee.


Very tiny bowl

shaped by the inside patterns

of a southern gourd.

Does anyone use

these Christmas mugs if it’s not

the Christmas season?


I think that this mug

is crying out for some hot

cocoa and bourbon.

These plastic boxes

just sit in the cupboard and

wait for leftovers.


I’ll only have one.

One piece of cheese and only

one crispy cracker.

I ate some of these

red grapes much more quickly than

I was drawing them.


These small mandarins

are so easy to peel and

so easy to eat.

You brush it on first

then scrape all the tiny bits

with a spatula.


A tool that opens

several bottles of beer.

Some good and some bad.

The chestnuts roasting

by an open fire won’t help

the bad flavor.


There’s candy and nuts

still in the bowl just waiting

to be eaten up.

Friends and family

told me to keep my phone close

wherever I go.


It is a good thing

for me that I’m right-handed

and can use this glove.


Okay. That’s it.

Til later in 2020.

Happy, Happy New Year.



Christmas Break

Our doctor friend loaned us some puzzles to work on. So we started with this 1000 piece one with loads of tiny figures working out in a very large gym. Then I took breaks to the studio to work on the Sandy Heads. Marla helped me put the bases together that go with each of the four heads. The printmaker Sandy head was finished a while ago, but not the base. Now it is.

Here are the other bases.

The starting pieces of the writer Sandy…..right and left brains still to be worked out.

Homemaker Sandy collecting a whole lot of parts.

And my present project is Explorer Sandy.

First I carve out each side of her head to put her bits and pieces into. The left side is a collection of bottles of pigments and other collectibles from places. The right will have a deeper hole for all the bits of things randomly collected.

Then I collaged old maps all over her head of the places I have been. I think there will be a boat sailing around between the places….maybe lots of boats.

Her forehead has Australia front and center….Tasmania just to the right of the compass.  I put Australia here because it is always on my mind regardless of where I am.

This morning my son Patrick cut out a top part of a very large dictionary, three inches down from the top and four inches deep. It will be laid across the writers head after I fold over some (many) of the pages to make it stand out like “hair”.

I am going to post the really great gift from Marla of the old book turned into a sewing kit. We all got one from her this year.

I just think it is so clever!

Also here are the Charles van Sandwyck books that I received for Christmas. This first one was a used in perfect condition and is hard bound. The others have luscious soft covers.

And another one that is just gorgeous!

And inside it.

And the owl one.

And inside the owl book.

And because it looked somewhat familiar….downstairs tucked in between some other Nature books I found this one that I must have bought in Vancouver many years ago.

They are all such an inspiration as I work on my Bush Book.

It has been a great holiday. Our favorite masseuse David is finishing up the last one of us to get a full body massage. Our three guests head home tomorrow. Lee and I do laundry and put the beds back together and then just get on with things.

The puzzle took two days to complete.

Til next week or whenever I need to talk/share.


Working on the Bush Book – An Update

I have been working on the Bush Book as well as my Drawing a Day with Haiku. I like the meditative-ness of both books. Here is the Bush Book as it is now. I added some insects to pages because I was afraid I would finish it too soon. It is not quite half way finished and there are so many more things to draw into the leaves. So I will start at the beginning and you can see what has been added to some pages.

A grey fox in the crease. I used too much water in the painting and the page tore on this fold but because it was such good paper that Lorraine used, I could easily glue it back together. Note that there are now tracks along the bottom pockets.

I added the blue tailed skink a while back to this page.

This double page now has a painted lady butterfly and a walking stick.

I don’t think I posted this page with the river otter, imperial moth, fresh water shrimp and marten.

I just love this page so nothing else was necessary.

O’possum, poplar moth, Carolina wren and great blue heron. Bird tracks have been added.

And the pages to come. Far left is a copper head snake, bluebird and a large box turtle on the facing page. Then one very large bumble bee taking up two pages. And the last one I have drawn in is a shield bug (the house if full of them right now), a white lined sphinx moth, mourning dove and nuthatch. These should keep me busy for a bit.

Today I am killing time waiting for the kids and our friend to arrive later. The house has been vacuumed, their bedrooms readied, pond filled, laundry finished, pot of chicken soup is on, our friend and doctor just stopped by to bring a couple of pecan breakfast rings for Lee. She will come back Christmas for dinner and promises to bring a puzzle….a hard one. I have not put a puzzle together in maybe thirty years.

That is all I have for now. My Iphone is not willing to let me see more than just the last six pictures when I want to download them to this computer. Hope one of the kids can show me how to get it to cooperate.

Til later.

Have a wonderful holiday season.


My Love of Illustration

This is a lengthy post. I want to share with you why I am so attracted to doing this kind of work….fitting in drawings of the natural world. My mother was a great reader, not a good housekeeper and certainly not a good cook. It seems that most of our meals were centered around “leftovers” but no one including her knew  what they were leftover from. And almost all of the meals were accompanied with a can or two of creamed corn. But she did instill in us a love of books and the natural world.

I only have a couple of those early books. When we moved to Florida from Michigan in 1955 my father told us that we had to only pack what was necessary. My new bike and dog had to stay behind, (“No one rides bikes or has dogs in Florida because it is just too hot.”) but I found room to tuck in two books. And by the way I hated Florida. It was no place for a young tomboy who spent every waking hour in the woods. As soon as I was able I returned to Michigan and hugged a tree. The trees are what make some of these books wonderful to look at.

Isn’t this one magic! I am quite certain that I gave my copy to our daughter….she is looking for it. But these tiny people, much like The Borrowers, live and take advantage of the most amazing things at their disposal. Living in a shoe, skating on banana peels, and a favorite picture that I could not download off the internet, them using the bathroom sink for a swimming pool. Some little bugger used his red crayon on this page but I am sure it was out of enthusiasm for the stories of the Teenie Weenies.

My most favorite of all is The Castle of Grumpy Grouch. Very few pen and ink drawings but a magical story of a little princess who lost her temper and embarks on adventures to find it. This one I still have.

I loved how she rested under a tree that covered her with leaves. Those trees are so capable of magical possibilities. Look at that tiny squirrel and rabbit! I would stare at these images for hours.

Later I would spend lots of time in the children’s books section of book stores. The ones I bought for my own kids were only ones that had great artworks of imaginative illustrations. And actually those were hard to come by in the 70s and 80s…..most of the good ones came from England, Italy….not the US, as here illustrators were more into things like cartoons or goofy collaged caterpillars.

Tasha Tudor knew how use her illustrating skills to draw you into every picture. This one was such a classic. I wrote her a letter once and she answered it. I gave our daughter the letter and the book that inspired me to write to her. Here is a tree from Tasha Tudor.

And more rabbits and a squirrel.

This book I bought for our son and then found one for myself for fifty cents. Look at all the details in these pictures. So many places for your eyes to wander.

And Philippe Fix’s tree.

These trees have that iconic Arthur Rackum look to them. I would have loved one of his books!

This one I bought for my daughter when it first came out.

Brian Froud was a great illustrator. The only problem is that it all became so commercial, so all over the place that the magic wore off.

And then there are the books that I just had to have for myself. This Russian tale is so beautifully done with all the Klimt like patterns everywhere.

And a name like I. Bilibin! How magic is that! Here is more from the inside pages.

And these illustrated letters. My mother would read all the classic children’s books to us especially those illustrated by N.C. Wyeth and Howard Pyle. Somewhere I learned that it was Howard Pyle’s wife who did the black pen illustrated letters that started each chapter.

Here is Bilibins;

And another one that reminded me of the Giant book illustrated and published in Italy. I just had to have it when I saw the fold out tortoise and hare fable.

Then the Brambly Hedge books came out by the inimitable Jill Barklem.

Talk about magic….just look at all that she packs in!

And this wonderful tree where some of them live. So much like Beatrix Potter.

But my most inspirational book with Nature drawings is this one by Janet Marsh. She simply studied a marsh land nearby and recorded it all. So very beautiful.

It was this love of Nature and wanting to know the names of wildflowers that inspired these two hand bound books of illustrations. I put them in a case together. One is two years in Davisburg, Michigan and the other two years when I first moved to Brasstown, North Carolina.

And Brasstown.

And that is the history of where I am now with drawing and painting illustrations of the natural world.

A few years ago I took a journaling class. It was such a disappointment. All the students (except me) had the same sized journal and all of them tried to do their best to draw and paint like the instructor. They all worked on their penmanship…more like calligraphy. It was sort of scientific illustration, but no individuality, no magic at all……just a picture that looked like everyone else’s picture.

I think the best way to learn to draw is to do it, over and over again. And you need to just love the doing, love the subject, love the feel of the pencil in hand, love that there is an eraser nearby, love the satisfaction that comes when this drawing is better than the last one.

That said, I am going back to my drawings in the Australian Eucalyptus leaves. Yesterday I added a blue tailed skink on the owl page….and now am working on a rabbit who fits into the brush by a chipmunk opposite a deer. It is magic!

Til later.