
Could Be Good News

I might be in my new house when my furniture goes in on the 29th this month. This morning when I walked over a painter told me that the builder was calling for the final cleaning to be done next week. There have been a lot of changes.

Starting with delivery to an open garage of the toilets and hot water heater yesterday.

All fans installed and appliances delivered to the house.

A meeting with the shades person….and choices made.

Then this morning I see the microwave/exhaust vent is in place along with faucets in the kitchen and shower. The garage now has its door and outside lights installed.

Toilets installed.

Yesterday I took the day off to draw in the books.

And the meadow is changing…..

So today I went ahead with giving the insurance company the date to start insuring my belongings in a new place and filled out papers at the post office to have my mail forwarded. It felt good. What little bit of packing is left can be finished this weekend.

If something unforeseen happens I still have the option of moving into a friend’s apartment. The cats will still be boarded at the vets so as not to be traumatized by the movers. I am looking at a new smaller rug for in front of the fireplace. Something with a muted mud cloth pattern would be nice.

I still need to clean two rugs for the den and guest bedroom.

The builder was about to order a laundry tub yesterday morning when I stopped by. He asked what I thought of one that had a built in cabinet below. I said it would not do! I needed the old fashioned kind with four legs…otherwise there was no place to put the cats’ litterbox. So he ordered a much less expensive one that will require him ordering faucets for. But at least the cats will know that the litterbox remains in the laundry room.

It may take a couple of weeks to get the high speed internet hooked up but there is always the library for me and my computer.

I was telling my family on the group call last night that even the memories surrounding this place have slipped out through the windows and taken advantage of open doors to go away. They said that the memories will all come bursting out of the boxes as soon as they are opened.

But I think they have all found their way to the new place and are picking their places to reappear in the company of new ones.

Til later….

The Wine Helps

To say I was sick of packing and looking at boxes would be an understatement. But when I see the completely empty spaces, I see real progress!

When they pick up all the shelving units from my studio storage area, they will have to pack up my drill press as well. It doesn’t fit in a box and I cannot lift it. The shelves and that old work table will go into the garage on the side I will use as a studio of sorts. Mostly for printmaking with the etching press and proof press out there. My fingers are itching to start carving again.

I never thought I’d see the back of the under stairs storage but it is all cleared out and I stood back there to get the picture.

And I thought of giving the large easel away but was talked out of it. So into the garage it goes for the time being.

And at the new house there are some new things happening. All flooring and baseboards are in. New granite counter tops in the kitchen and bathrooms.

And the shower is complete except for the glass door that goes here and in the guest bathroom shower.

I delivered all the light fixtures and fans on Friday. I might be a couple of lights short and will check on that tomorrow.  Seems I need to get a ceiling fixture for the entrance to the front door and a second ceiling light for over the sink island.  I did not want those hanging down pendants so opted for a recessed fixture that the builder and electrician think needs to have a mate. Easy.

I have started packing the pantry. Good grief! Why was there so much in the way of canned goods and pastas in there?! Did I think I was not going to the store before the year was up? This morning on my weekly trip to the dump quite a few out dated jars and cans went with me. But I did keep three jars from the back of the shelves….maple syrup our son harvested and cooked down in 1984 as a school project. When he comes for Christmas I think we need to open a jar and have some over pancakes. As I remember the syrup had a very smoky flavor due to the open fire he had to use to cook it down. And I remember that it is a bit thin for syrup because how many hours upon hours can any of us watch sap thicken. Harvesting from our own maple trees was so much fun. Just like making wine from the wild grapes along the road and dandelions from the yard. Does anybody even do those things nowadays?

A new drawing in the house book.

Maybe when I walk through the meadow to the new house tomorrow morning the builder will greet me with the house keys…..maybe not. For now I am enjoying a glass of red while I write this. Friday night friends picked me up to go to the winery to meet their friends. It was another chance to practice my social skills….woefully fading over the last few years. It was delightful. I think I am getting better at it. No where near ready for a whole room full of people, but a couple at a time seems doable.

Til later…..

More Time Gone

I was sitting on the porch the other day and thought that soon I won’t be here anymore. So I took last pictures of the view I have taken for granted for seventeen years.

Then I turned and saw this.

The porch bar with high stools that Lee and I bought before we moved into the house. We took a couple of beers over to sit there for the evening. The electrician was working late and took pity on us. He turned on the electricity to the porch so the two of us could pretend we were already living there.

They are ready for new owners.

I took a walk over to the house earlier.

My shoes were soaked! Another drawing in the Meadow Book….

Yesterday a friend came over to have what is likely the last lunch on the porch. The furniture refinisher brought back the table and counter stools.

They are so much better than when he took them away. I can’t wait to see Amy and Patrick sitting at the table they grew up with.

The yard man came later in the day and took all the pieces from the yard to the new place where he will do some grading, etc. before getting it all placed.

This morning there were more changes at the house.

Just the bench to place in the shower…

And flooring!

About one third of the house is laid.

Today I went to the window treatments place and will meet them at the house this coming Tuesday.

The cats start their boarding time at the vets on the 26th. My movers come the 29th, I follow them to the new house and we unload all boxes with work tables and shelves in the garage. The furniture will be set inside the rooms they go to and appliances put in the kitchen and laundry. I take my pre-packed suitcase and move into a friends apartment closer to my new house. On the 30th cleaners come here to this house to spend the day. On the 31st is closing at the lawyers and I start a new chapter.

Yesterday while eating lunch on the porch I was fidgeting with my loosely folded paper towel/napkin. I thought if I folded it in quarters then I could try to tear a perfect circle. Here it is.

There is something about this torn paper that says so much…it could be an entire short story ,,. or poem.  But for right now it was a making of something that represented more than a torn paper towel.

My friends in Australia are getting themselves all sorted out for their workshop next March and their stay at the house we all shared for several years.  Some of them are following the yearly challenge we set for ourselves, some are lagging behind. One is preparing for a teaching tour for the Embroiderer’s Guild of America. Five weeks in nine different states. The thought is daunting! All of them have such energy and so many ideas for their art making. I look at my torn napkin and it reminds me that we have long been a circle,  the six of us.

Sometimes, with being so far removed physically from them, I feel a bit empty. And then I think of how they will all be together next year and they will do an early morning call that comes when I am having an evening wine. (I make sure it is Australian). They will crowd together in front of the camera to say hello and then individually show the work they did in the class, what they learned without me being there to hover and suggest. Next we share how far we did or didn’t get on the goal for the year. We wave goodbye and they get on with another day of making. I take a deep breath, a deep sip of wine and this next time I will have a nice place to lay out my project to start the next morning.

This torn paper towel is such a wonderful image and so evocative that I think a book with the hole slowly filling in, getting smaller is where I will start as soon as I get moved and have my things where I can make ideas come to life.

Til later….I have talked myself into a glass of red.

Riverwalk House Is Progressing

Lots of puddles at the subdivision I am moving into. But my yardman informed me he will be moving the yard sculptures and my stone collection and pots this coming Tuesday. Another step forward.

Inside the house I was delighted to see the kitchen cabinets installed…also the bathroom vanities.

I like the way he staggers the upper cupboards. It looks like a good place for my foundry mould collection.

All the doors have been installed and the trim is around them and the windows.

The bathroom shower is well on its way to being finished.

I did some sketching in the house book.

The walk through the meadow is still inspiring but I have had no time to draw and paint scenes from there. Maybe this weekend.

I have been trying to give so much away to family and friends…but their limits have been reached. And lucky for me an Episcopal church in my new town is looking for donations for their sale. I took a car load out already and friends are coming next week to take a truckload of larger pieces. Then it is down to boxes and furniture that is going with me.

I wish I didn’t have to face moving myself and the cats into the apartment to wait for the final okay to move in. But that looks to be the way things will happen. All of the kitchen except food stuffs is packed. I kept the minimum for the cats and I to eat at the apartment. One large area rug has been cleaned with baking soda and is flipped in half to wait for the movers to roll. Two more to go. They are very heavy!!

I should end up with one pick up truck of things to be taken to the dump and three boxes to get to the shredders. All personal papers, sketchbooks, computer, alcohol and the few dishes will accompany me and the cats over to the apartment. Professional cleaners come to spend the day as soon as the movers take my things away. Looking at the piles of boxes and furniture, there is no way all of it plus the refrigerator and washer and dryer will fit into the garage of the new place.. I so hope I will be allowed to put the big pieces inside their rooms.

I called a local friend that I have not seen in about three years…pre Covid anyway, to come and take a very large box of basket materials and my 1985/86 framed posters of national basket exhibitions. She arrived with a large bottle of wine and some crackers. I had cheeses. The wine openers had been accidently packed but slow chipping away with a granny fork got us to the wine for the last two glasses on the counter. It was at least four hours of sheer pleasure in catching up and reminiscing.

This morning after having a very good listen with the men in town, I went to my house insurance business to let them know I had just received my annual bill and was wondering what to do with it. First of all, “Don’t pay it!” Then a quick calculation of the place I was moving and my new bill when it arrives in a month or so will be less than a third of what I pay now. The insurance man that did the numbers assured me he made no mistakes in the figuring. First of all he says, it is a new house and second there is a fire hydrant in that area. His mother lives in Riverwalk so he knew all about the area. Love a small town!

The post office there in Hayesville will hold my mail for up to six weeks when I get a mailbox in place there so it becomes my official address. Now I just need to inform those who need to have the new address, have my WIFI taken out of my name at the time of closing and my electric changed to the new address where they will also be handling a new hi speed internet service. Neither service will be totally cut off, just switched to other names once the new owners inform them that they will be taking over on the day of closing.

I am not sleeping all that well with waking up and worrying for three hours until I drop off. Hustling things into boxes and filling in with clothes I might need is not helping either. But really, other than a rain coat, couple changes of clothes and shoes, what else is there?

This evening it will be a nice cold single malt while I relax and listen to thunder.

Til later….