So Much Going On Here

A morning to make soup. This is the lunch I just finished of cauliflower broccoli mixed with carrots, onion, a small potato, garlic, chicken broth, milk, parmesan rind, cheddar, mustard and other seasonings. I just googled up the two main ingredients and several recipes came up. It was delicious!

This reminds me that a friend I’ve known for well over thirty years was in town this week and we caught up over scotch, soup, bagels and wine. We did a repeat performance two days later. It was nice going over old times.

I kept up with the walks.

The dam.

And along the river.

Love those rocks under water in the above photo and the rotting log below.

Also got an Indigo Bunting drawn in the Bird Stories Book.

But the big news is the slab for my new house has been poured!

Where the front door will be.

The garage side with gas lines protruding.

The plumbing pipes of my bathroom.

From the gym down to the house is an easy going ten minute walk. I am going to love being able to walk there whenever I need a workout and have a need to punch the bag.

Now I have a couple more pages made up in the sketch book. It will also hold my notes. On the right are the colors I chose for the interior. A pale grey for my room, a very pale sage for the guest room and an off white for the rest of the rooms. Also the stain for the wooden cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms. The trusses have already been delivered and the framing will start soon. So far no shortages which is good but I likely will not get into the house until July. It is all fine as that is just the way things are. More time to enjoy what I have here and get things tidied up a bit more.

I finally finished the branch the grey owl sits on. This afternoon I will start at the base of the trunk and work up.

Not much else new. Just pictures of Dilly and Sadie this week.

And a luscious full moon this week.

Lee will be getting his booster shot soon. I thought he already had it but in a care center things just are not that simple.

I have been doing more drawings for Burke and Wills…the latest is Burke trying to push Wills through a small doorway. Seeing the actions in my head and translating it to a page is certainly a challenge. I should really write the story first to see what illustrations are needed but winging it seems to suit right now. I may draw Burke trying to push Wills by using his back to nudge him through. Feathered wings don’t seem strong enough.

More lead sizes and pens arrive soon. It will all get easier with the proper tools and dogged determination to just do it.

Til later….