Burke and Wills Proof Ordered

Just to keep things in order, here are some morning photos coming back from the gym. The first is a sliver of the moon with Venus off to the right and down a bit. Beautiful mornings.

And the bales of hay all rolled up between here and the gym. They smell so good when freshly packed in rounds.

I went to the local wine tasting with the builder and two of his building buddies this past Monday evening. It was fun and I am getting used to a room full of people. The best part was seeing the realtor who sold Lee and me our first piece of property back in 1988. We had a good chat and catch up of all those years since.

The tables are set up with the seating arranged and then the delicious small portions of a meal are brought forth with each wine sampling. Wines from Spain this time.

I only had time to photograph the first appetizer.

As for the rest of this week, I have been trying to get Burke and Wills in a 5″ x 8″ page format. There are twenty color illustrations and the cover image here.

I wanted a certain font that fit the story and then the laying out with illustrations in different sizes was also a challenge. But now the cover and 48 page manuscript is sent off to KDP Publishing with Amazon. The book will be priced $12 here in the states and vary in other countries. But first I need to see the proof and make sure I did not screw anything up. After a while of making corrections on a laptop, you begin to wonder where you are in the muddle.

The vet came to the house and removed Sadie’s small tumor. Now Dilly won’t talk to her because she has a hot punk bandage on her leg. And Sadie won’t talk to me because I keep trying to pin her down to take the bandage off. I will call a neighbor to help me get the job done.

Today I cleaned the porch, did laundry, finished editing the book, and made Anzac cookies. I will take some to the bike shop owner with another jar of Vegemite on Monday. I have given several recipes to the woman now baking in the shop where we meet up for coffee. Every morning she has a nice assortment to tempt the boys, MJ and me. Her quiches are excellent! And then there is her Apple Cider French toast with brioche! Not to mention the pumpkin/cream cheese muffins and assorted turnovers and fruit breads.

I do live in a very nice community.

Tomorrow windows will get washed first thing. That and laying out The Stoat Story for an Amazon release.

Better go and call that neighbor.

Til later….